Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Joints Bones One Health And Social Care Essay
Joints Bones One Health And Social Care Essay In both chapters six and seven we will take a detailed look at our skeleton and the joints and attachments. We will briefly introduce the skeleton here in chapter six but discuss it in greater detail and specificity in chapter seven. Thus our focus in chapter six will mainly be on our joints, how they allow us to move and how they are classified. You will notice that the various joints in our body allow different ranges of motion. In general, the more mobile a joint, the less stable it is, making it more prone to injury. The shoulder joint is a nice example. However, there are other factors that affect our mobility and stability such as ligaments, tendons, skin, cartilage and daily activity. We will look at these in greater detail over the next few chapters. But lets start by taking a simple look at the basic functions of the skeleton. Basic Skeleton Function The skeleton is our basic framework of support for all body tissues. It is our internal scaffolding that provides support for organs, allows movement, and gives us protection. The skeleton system is the name that is given to the collection of about 206 bones in addition to the joints and ligaments. The skeleton has many important functions that vary in complexity but generally includes the following: (insert simple skeleton schematic) 1. It protects the bodys vital organs such as the brain, heart, lungs and other organs. 2. It gives us our shape, posture and support. 3. It provides sites for muscular attachment that allows us to move. 4. It provides a reservoir for the storage of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, fat, magnesium and many other minerals. 5. It is an important site for the production of blood cells, specifically red blood cells that allow us to transport oxygen. Our skeleton is a complex living system that is constantly changing. We will discuss many of these components in Chapter 7. However, at this stage we are interested in the role of the skeleton in how it allows us to move. In order to do this we need to take a look at our joint structure. The 206 bones in our body form approximately 230 joints. The joints are simply the place where two bones meet. Joints, which are also referred to as articulations, come in many different forms and not all are movable. The degree of mobility in a joint has a lot to do with its role or addition to its shape. The joints fall into three categories: synovial, fibrous or cartilaginous. They vary in movement and design. Types and Classification of Joints Joints are found anywhere that two bones meet. They have a specific and natural range of motion ranging from highly movable to unmovable. While most of our joints are freely movable, many are not. Joints are classified in several ways. For example, we classify some according to their architecture or their range of motion. Commonly, we use a mix of anatomical architecture and range of motion. In terms of movement, joints can also be classified according to the number of cardinal planes in which they can move. Therefore, joints can be non-axial (allowing no movement in any plane), uni-axial (movement in one plane of motion), biaxial (movement in two planes of motion), or tri-axial (movement in three planes of motion). Those joints that are freely movable are also referred to as synovial joints because at the end of the bone is a smooth covering layer called the synovial membrane. This membrane secretes a lubricating substance called synovial fluid which allows the joints to move in a s mooth and fluid fashion. As this membrane breaks down over time we often experience more discomfort in our joints with movement. This is a form of arthritis. (Chapter 8 in Seeley has great illustrations for all of this chapter) Joints are normally classified as belonging to one of three sub-classes. These classifications are based on several factors, including: a. the presence or absence of a joint cavity b. the shape and nature of the connection c. the degree of movement. The three sub classes are as follows: Synovial or Diarthrosis joints (freely movable). Fibrous or Synarthrosis joints (immovable). Cartilaginous or Amphiarthrosis joints (slightly movable). Synovial or Diarthrosis Joints These are the freely movable joints such as the shoulder, knee, ankle, etc. With this type of joint the articulating bones are covered with articular cartilage which is surrounded by an articular capsule which is lined with a synovial membrane. The articular surfaces are smooth and allow easy fluid movement. The synovial joint has two main functions. One is to allow movement, while the second is to transmit forces from one segment of the body to another segment, or one part of a limb to the other. The interactions between bones at an articulation are regulated by several types of structures. There include the joint capsule, synovial membrane, ligaments, bone shape, articular cartilage and pressure. However, it is the general structure of the synovial joint that permits smooth movement. Synovial joints have five characteristic features. They all contain the following which facilitates their range of motion: a. articular cartilage b. joint cavity c. articular capsule d. synovial membrane e. synovial fluid These contents and arrangements allow the bones to move and glide across each other. This synovial arrangement allows for the greater range of movement of any joint types and movements permitted include the following: gliding, hinge, pivot, circumduction. Of these movement types gliding is the most common as it occurs in every synovial joint since it allows them to simply glide over each other. In some joints, like the carpal and tarsal joints, gliding is the only movement possible. The articular end of bones in a synovial joint are covered with hyaline cartilage (articular cartilage) and a surrounding tubular capsule which we call the joint capsule. The joint capsule is composed of an outer layer of ligaments and on the inside contains a synovial membrane which secretes synovial fluid. Some synovial joints have additional features. For example the knee contains small shock absorbing pads called menisci. Menisci are actually small pieces of fibrocartilage situated between the bones t o absorb shock. Joints with menisci also have small fluid filled sacs called bursae. Bursae are also lined with synovial fluid and also help with smooth joint movement. Lets look at the synovial joints in more detail. There are six types of synovial joints. If you read different textbooks you will notice several different terms for the same type of joint. Where appropriate the other terms are also provided. (Insert Figs 8.8-8.12 from Seeley) (Also insert table 7.4 from Shier) a. Pivot Joint. This joint comprises a ring of bone that rotates around another. An example of this is found in the neck (the atlanto-axial joint). This joint is also referred to as a troichoidal or screw joint. This type of joint can also occur when two long bones fit against each other so that the bones roll around each other as with the radius and the ulnar in the forearm. The only type of movement that pivot joints allow is rotation. This movement only occurs in one plane and is therefore uni-axial. b. Ball and Socket Joint (enarthrodial, spheroidal). This joint is the most mobile and allows movements in all directions. Examples include the hip and shoulder. The high degree of mobility also causes the joint to be less stable. In this type of joint, the head of a long bone fits into a cuplike structure of the other bone. If you think about the trailer and hitch setup on a car, the joint is highly mobile and allows movements in the three cardinal planes and is therefore referred to as tri-axial. c. Hinge Joint (ginglymus). This joint allows flexion and extension (but not rotation). For this reason it is referred to as a uni-axial joint. Examples are the elbow and the knee joint. This joint structure contains strong ligaments and is therefore a very stable joint. d. Ellipsoid (condyloid, ovoid). This joint is essentially a less flexible version of the ball and socket joint. This joint has an oval surface that fits into a reciprocally shaped concave disc surface. This joint allows movements in tow planes and is therefore biaxial. It allows flexion and extension movements, and abduction and adduction and therefore circumduction as these movements can occur together. Examples include the radiocarpal joints. e. Saddle (sellar, carpometacarpal). The visual of a riding saddle is a good image to depict this joint. The bone surfaces are both shaped like a riding saddle and therefore fit over each other allowing flexion and extension, and abduction and adduction. Even though this joint has the same movement capabilities as the ellipsoidal, it has a greater range of motion. The joint is therefore biaxial. An example is the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb. f. Gliding (plane, arthrodial). In this type of joint the articulating surfaces are almost flat and so the surfaces glide over each other. This motion is fairly limited and the joint is viewed as a non-axial joint. Examples of this joint include the intercarpal and intertarsal joints. There are also other synovial type structures that are associated with the diarthrodial joints. They are called bursae and tendon sheaths. Like other aspects of the joint capsule these are susceptible to injury and breakdown over time causing discomfort and pain. The bursae are small capsules lined with synovial membranes that also contain synovial fluid. Their role is more for cushioning between the bones as opposed to providing a fluid lubrication surface (although they do that also). A primary role of bursae is to separate tendons and bone which reduces the friction during movement. Tendon sheaths are also synovial structures that surround tendons. Tendon sheaths are double layered structures and they also add an element of protection to many tendons that cross joints, such as those in the hands and wrist. Fibrous or Synarthrosis Joints These joints do not contain an articular cavity and are generally viewed as immovable. These joints are made mainly from fibrous connective tissue and can move very little. They are mostly concerned with absorbing shock. In this type of joint two bones are joined together by a fibrous connective tissue. There are two basic types of fibrous joints. a. Sutures. This type of joint is found only in the skull. They are very rigid joints designed mainly to absorb impact. The design of these joints is such that grooved or serrated bone ends are attached by tightly connected fibers. This also allows skull growth. As an adult these fibers begin to ossify and are eventually 100% replaced by bone and then are basically immovable versus somewhat movable in growing children. b. Syndesmoses. Like sutures, dense fibrous tissues bind the bones together allowing limited movement (although more than sutures). Examples in the body include the coraco-acromial joint. In this joint arrangement the bones are usually further apart than they are in sutures and are joined by ligaments. Hence, allowing some movement. The teeth are also an example of a particular type of fibrous joint. Sometimes they are called peg and socket joints. This joint is more accurately referred to as a gomphosis joint. Gomphosis literally means a bolt in Greek. A gomphosis joint is an articulation via the insertion of a conic process into a socket (hence the bolt). If you envisage the root of your tooth into an alvestus (small hollow) in your jaw, this is the form it takes. A gomphosis is not really a connection between two bones even though it is considered a fibrous joint. Cartilaginous or Amphiarthrosis Joints These joints do not contain an articular cavity but are viewed as slightly movable. They allow a twisting or bending motion. There are two basic types of cartilaginous joints differentiated on whether they joint together using hyaline cartilage (sychondroses) or fibrous cartilage (symphyses): a. Sychondroses. This literally means held together by cartilage. The bones are held together by a thin layer of hyaline cartilage. Examples include the sternocostal joints. The growth plates of bones are sychondroses. Interestingly, many sychondroses are temporary as bone eventually replaces the cartilage forming a synostoses (when two bones fuse together to form one bone). b. Symphyses. These joints are connected by fibrous cartilage which allows slight compression. In these joints a thin layer of hyaline cartilage separates a disk of fibro cartilage from the bones. Again, the joints allow limited movement. Examples include the vertebral joints. (Insert Table 8.2/8.1, Seeley) Joint lubrication The smooth movement of synovial joints is made possible by several features. We generally identify two forms of lubrication and refer to them as boundary lubrication and fluid film lubrication. The fluid film lubrication is really what allows us our day to day fluid movement as it comprises a thin film of lubricant that separates the bones. It functions for the most part under low loads with higher speeds. As an interesting side note; synovial joints can self-lubricate by shifting the synovial fluid back and forth under bone surfaces as the bones move. Boundary lubrication on the other hand is more important for higher stress loads over longer periods of time. Cartilage In the earlier section on synovial joints we introduced the terms articular cartilage and articular capsule. We also discussed the role of the synovial fluid in lubricating these joints. Like any mechanical device, be it a bicycle chain or car engine or human joint, lubrication is vital for proper functioning. In humans, a white connective tissue known as articular cartilage provides this lubrication. This white dense cartilage coats the ends of the bones in diarthrodial joints allowing movement with minimal friction, wear and pain. It also spreads the load at the joint over a wider area decreasing pressure and stress at any contact point. Estimates suggest that articular cartilage can reduce the contact stress on bones and joints by up to 50%. Articular cartilage is somewhat unique in its design as a living substance. Articular cartilage contains no blood vessels, nerves or lymph vessels. Water makes up most of the mass of articular cartilage with estimates ranging from 65-80% of th e weight of the time. Articular cartilage is also referred to as a viscoelastic tissue, sometimes this is referred to as biologically time dependent. What this means is that when you apply a constant load over time to the cartilage, its mechanical behavior (and shape) will also change over time. An example of this is an increase in the thickness of cartilage that occurs from exercise as greater volumes of fluid move in and out of the joint! Cartilage is a connective tissue that comes in several forms. There are three recognized types: a. hyaline b. articular c. white fibrocartilage Hyaline cartilage is smooth with shiny physical properties of a glue-like substance (even though it lubricates). The term hyal means glassy. Articular cartilage lines the articular (smooth) surfaces of the bones allowing for efficient smooth movement. White fibrocartilage is a strong fibrous tissue saturated with the glue-like cartilage that gives it a very strong tendon-like property. Articular fibrocartilage is found in amphiarthroses joints. This articular fibrocartilage is found as a fibrocartilaginous disc known as a menisci. This is the design in the intervertebral discs. The role of menisci are somewhat unclear but are believed to help reduce shock. The final articular component is that of articular connective tissue. Articular connective tissue includes both tendons and ligaments. The tendons connect muscle to bone and the ligaments connect bone to bone. These connective tissues are passive tissues comprised mainly of collagen and elastic fibers. These tissues are minimally extensible with no contraction ability and instead return to resting length as the muscle relaxes and the antagonist contracts. These tissues are elastic which helps them return to their original length. Ligaments Ligaments join bone to bone by inserting directly into the bone of the periosteum. Ligaments comprise fibers that are arranged in various directions. The major constituent in ligaments is the protein collagen and is very strong. The ligaments plan a major role in the stability of a joint. The arrangement of the ligaments varies according to the joint and the degree of mobility within the joint. In joints with greater mobility and larger ranges of motion there are usually multiple ligaments. The knee is a nice example in that its mobility necessitates four ligaments. This arrangement allows for a high degree of mobility while also maintaining its stability. Joint Problems and Injuries The basic shape of joints and they way they functions makes them prime targets for injuries. Some injuries are mild like a sprain or slight hyperextension while others are much more severe like shoulder dislocations or torn anterior cruciate ligaments. Sprains basically are a stretch of the ligaments and are usually very painful although not serious. While many joint injuries heal on their own, many do not and require either surgery or medications. Common joint injuries include the sprains and strains but also tennis elbow or nursemaids elbow. Nursemaids elbow occurs when the radius (one of the bones in the forearm) slips out of place from where it normally attaches to the elbow joint. It is a common condition in children younger than 4 years of age. It is also called pulled elbow, slipped elbow, or toddler elbow. The medical term for nursemaids elbow is radial head subluxation. A sudden pulling or traction on the hand or forearm causes nursemaids elbow. This causes the radius to sli p out of the ligament holding it into the elbow. It can occur when an infant rolls himself or herself over, from a fall or from pulling, or swinging a young child by the hand. Tennis elbow is also a very common injury and contrary to popular belief doesnt just result from playing tennis. Tennis elbow is a repetitive stress injury of the elbow that occurs when the muscles and tendons in the elbow area are torn or damaged. Tennis elbow is usually caused by repetitive activities that strain the tendons in the elbow area, such as using a manual screwdriver, using a hammer, gripping something repeatedly or of course hitting backhand in tennis. These types of injuries are usually acute and be treated effectively within a few days. Other conditions like arthritis are more chronic and require more long term treatment. Much joint soreness is caused by some sort of inflammation and the biggest cause of joint soreness in humans is arthritis which can affect any joint in the body. Arthritis is basically an inflammation of any joint in the body. Perhaps you have noticed that you are a little more stiff and slow when you get out of bed in the morning. Although we dont always feel it, arthritis is pretty much present in every person. As it develops it causes pain in the joints with movement especially after periods of inactivity. It is estimated to affect about 10% of the worlds population and 14% of the US population and is suggested as the leading cause of disability in people over 50 years old. There are many types of arthritis but the most common is probably osteoarthritis (OA). OA affects articular cartilage and results from the breakdown of the joint capsule and loss of synovial fluid. This means bones can end up rubbing together which cause pain an inflammation. However, it is not just the joint c apsule per se that is involved but also the ligaments, tendons and muscles. It has long been maintained that repetitive stresses caused arthritis but that is not always the case as we know that people who exercise regularly do not develop as much arthritis. It appears to be more due to trauma, age and infection. Summary In chapter six we provided a brief introduction of the general skeleton but paying particular attention to the role and classifications of articulations (or joints). We have learned that although there are many, many types of joints there are three basic classifications, namely, synovial, fibrous, and cartilaginous. The joints are classified according to their structure and also how much movement they allow. The joints that we are interested in the most in kinesiology are really the synovial joints. They are what permit the greatest range of motion. The structure of these joints is highly dependent upon synovial fluid which is a highly fluid lubricating substance permitting smooth movement. Joints vary in their range of motion whereby some joints do not allow any movement and some allow movement in all three cardinal planes. As a general rule, the more planes of movement a joint can move through, the less stable the joint, and the more likely we are to injure it. The shoulder joint i s a nice example of this relationship. Ligaments are also present in joints and they play a varying role in the stability of a joint. Ligaments join bone to bone and are highly tensile structures. Generally, we find a greater arrangement of ligaments in joints with greater ranges of motion. Research note: You may have noticed that women often become more flexible when they are pregnant. Naturally, this is to prepare for the action of childbirth and labor. However, for this increased flexibility to occur there needs to be structural changes in the joint structure. This is mediated by changes in hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. But there is another not so common hormone, relaxin, which increases and acts to improve mobility in the symphysis pubis, allowing them to stretch more. Although this action is most pronounced in the symphysis pubis, the hormone can act on all connective tissue in the body. However, while this is beneficial, it can also be problematic as this increased flexibility can cause injury such as back pain, or in worse cases torn ligaments during a fall. For the most part the hormone levels are restored to normal levels shortly after delivery. Can you now answer the following questions related to joints and joint structure? Differentiate between a fibrous joint, a cartilaginous joint, and a synovial joint! 2. Can you identify which of the synovial joints have: a. 3 degrees of freedom? b. 2 degrees of freedom? c. 1 degree of freedom? 3. In your own words describe the 3 major classifications of joints and give two examples for each classification (if possible). Also write the synonym for the terms below. a. Synarthrodial joint? b. Amphiarthrodial joint? c. Diarthrodial joint? d. Synostosis? Can you list a motion/action that is allowed for each of the six diarthrodial joints: 5. Identify 5 primary functions of the skeleton! 6. Starting with the neck and working downwards, classify each joint. Neck Shoulder Elbow Wrist Fingers (not thumb) Thumb Trunk (bottom of spine) Hip Knee Ankle 7. Identify the type of joint shown below and then identify, where possible, two locations where one may find that type of joint on your body: Insert a picture of 6 diarthrodial joints!
Monday, January 20, 2020
Gender Relations in A Dollââ¬â¢s House and How Did I Miss You? Essay
Gender Relations refers to the power relations between men and women. Under patriarchal society, men and women do not stand on an equal ground, men shows superiority and women have lower status than men. Under patriarchal values, men possess higher status and act a dominant role, women are obliged to live according to their gendered roles, to be submissive. This notion of gender relations is like a culture, it affects how men and women interact and perceive one another, it also propagates though interactions between men and women. The imbalanced power relations between men and women can be found in a lot of Western and Chinese writings. A Dollââ¬â¢s House is a play written by Henrik Ibsen. In A Dollââ¬â¢s House, Henirk Ibsen presents the female protagonist, Nora, as a conventional woman living in a patriarchal society. Nora had to follow the rules and customs. She always had to mask her unconventional traits in front of her husband. Through the interaction between Nora and Torvald, the imbalanced power relations between men and women is shown. Torvald had more rights than Nora, and he just treated Nora as a possession of him. For Nora, she had to mask herself to accommodate to the patriarchal society. Finally she transformed into a New Women, breakthrough the patriarchal values and leave the confinement to search for her self. Through A Dollââ¬â¢s House, Ibsen criticizes the patriarchal values that society accepts. For How Did I Miss You, Zhang Xinxin presents the imbalanced power relations between men and women through the nameless female protagonist and male protagonist. They both symbolize the many men and women who lived in China during the Cultural Revolution. In the story, the female protagonist tried hard to pursue equal status wit... ...ates to men. To become an real individual, a woman has to leave her gendered role and seek her own life. It would be a difficult time for women. Henrik Ibsen thus reminds society of the imbalanced power relations and society should solve the problem. For How Did I Miss You, Zhang Xinxin presents the imbalance of power between female and male sex in China. The female protagonist acts as a mirror of millions of female in China. She suffers due to her unconventional traits and through How Did I Miss You, Zhang Xinxin depicts the difficult process of a woman to pursue an equal status with men. Works Cited Henrik Ibsen. Four Major Plays. Trans. James McFarlane and Jens Arup. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1981. Tam, K.K., Yip, Terry S.H., and Dissanayake, Wmal, eds. A place of one's own : stories of self in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. New York: Oxford UP, 1999.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Marketing Professional Practice Essay
Executive Summary This report aims to develop some feasible strategies for a non-profit making organization ââ¬â Care For Your Heart to achieve objectives in certain areas: 1. Enhancing the public awareness of the organizationââ¬â¢s profile and service; 2. Reaching the youngsters and working group segments; 3. Gaining more donations for future development; and 4. Strengthening the network with medical doctors or nurses as part of voluntary work. These objectives can be carried out by the three main recommended strategies, include rebranding, sponsorship campaigns, and volunteer programs. Before launching other programs, rebranding is recommended to refine the image of Care For Your Heart by designing a new logo and name, which is more professional and appealing to the target market. The rebranding is also related to the strategies for achieving the organizationââ¬â¢s new direction. The sponsorship campaigns aim at attracting companies for sponsorship, enhancing public awareness, and attract donations. The prospective sponsors include Nestle, Hung Fuk Tong, Watson, and HKHC. The respective strategies are Nestle milk powder lid design, Turn in Your Can; Hung Fuk Tong Care For Your Heart soup series; Watson Heart Caring Bottle Label Competition and launch of water bottle, carboy bottle design and poster distribution at offices; Cardiac Health Care Bus, Health Care Charity Fund, professional health talks, and Charity Health Check Day. Furthermore, volunteers for current and future events and campaigns are sourced from IVE, medical colleges, doctors, and HKHC. These strategies provide substantial benefits to Care For Your Heart. By successfully striving sponsorship and donations, Care For Your Heart can enhance its visibility, awareness and credibility via appearance of logo on sponsorââ¬â¢s products and websites. Donation is easier to attract when the organization is more credible, and more funds can be used to offer more activities for its members and the public. The campaigns and volunteer programs allow the organization to reach its young and business target markets when products and events are exposed at heavy traffic spots and offices. The sponsorship programs will last for two years, and the volunteer program is on a continuous basis, which the details are shown in the timeline in the later part of this report. And the estimated budget is set. Background of Organization Care For Your Heart is a registered non-profit charitable organization formed by a group of cardiac patients together with their families since 1995. Its services mainly target cardiac patients and their families. In 1998, Care For Your Heart set up the first cardiac mutual help and resource center, and is committed to patients and the public health (Organization Introduction 2010). Up until 2011, Care For Your Heart has more than 2600 members, and over 180 volunteers (Number of Members 2010). Members mostly age around 51 to 80 (Age of Members 2010), and geographically concentrated in Hong Kong Island (Residence of Members 2010). The sources of funds is attracted from multiple channels; include donations, Community Chest, Social Welfare Department and other activities (Sources of Funds 2010). Logo of the Organization The flower-liked logo represents that the organization is concerned about heart related issues. Vision and mission of Organization Care For Your Heart aims to encourage mutual support spirit among cardiac patients and family support, so that the patients can positively face their illness (Organization Introduction 2010). It strives to enhance cardiac patients knowledge towards cardiac diseases, boost recovery, and prevent the opportunity of relapse; to act as a bridge between patients and medical institutions in order to provide all-round services; gather patients, protect and strive for rights and welfares; promoting social knowledge about cardiac disease, prevention, caring and accepting cardiac patients and enhance public awareness towards heart healthiness (Organization Introduction 2010). Care For Your Heart aims to increase the number of members; encourage members nd others to volunteer in charitable events and supporting activities; to attract more stable funding, such as monthly donation; to enhance awareness and educate public about the increasing trend of youngsters suffering from coronary heart disease; to motivate general public changing their lifestyle to improve health; to attract business groupsââ¬â¢ awareness about cardiac disease; to establish a stronger network with doctors for f acilitating volunteer work, and other events and activities. (Future Prospect 2010). . Introduction The chairman of Care For Your Heart has illustrated the current issues faced by the organization and proposed several questions. This report is to develop feasible strategies for the organization to overcome its situation and further development in certain area. 1. Develop relevant strategies in order to enhance the public awareness of the organisationââ¬â¢s profile and service; 2. Attract more younger and working groups to join the organization; 3. Gain more donations for further development and 4. Strengthen a network of medical doctors or nurses as part of voluntary work. 2. Target Market 3. 1. Target Group The target market is defined by Care For Your Heart, basing on its current situation and problem. Based on research, heart disease has a rejuvenating trend and threatening working group aged 20 years old or above. These groups are targeted as they are constantly under high pressure and heavy workload. Business class with quick life rhythm typically lack of resting time. In addition, they always overlook the importance of keeping their heart healthy. 3. 2. Medical Doctor Another target group is the medical doctors. Medical doctors play an important role for these kinds of organization because of their professional medical knowledge. Other than that, Care For Your Heart inviting medical doctors for volunteering can expand their network in medical field and increase its credibility to the public . 3. 3. Partnership The following are some suggested partners for Care For Your Heart to cooperate with: * Nestle Hung Fook Tong * Watson * Hong Kong Health Check & Medical Diagnostic Group Limited Details will be illustrated in the following part of the report. 3. 4. Other Stakeholder Stakeholders| Details| Donors| * Existing donors (Social Welfare Department, The Community Chest, Food and Health Bureau) * Potential donors at all ages in global * It is important for a non-profit organization to have positive and enough reputation, which will influence donation . Policy from donation also affect the operation of the organization| University| * Helps to disseminate cardiac information * Helps to enhance the awareness of the organisation * Eg: Hong Kong College of Technology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong etc| Hospital| * Reach more cardiac patients * Helps to enhance the reputation of the organisation| General Public| * Opinions leaders who can influence the peers * cardiac patients and families| Media| * Global newspapers and magazines * TV stations, radio stations, newspapers and magazines publishers, leaflets, seminar| Potential Investors| * Corporations or individuals that are interested to invest in ââ¬Å"Care For Your Heartâ⬠(Childrenââ¬â¢s Heart Foundation and The Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association: can enhance the awareness of ââ¬Å"Care For Your Heartâ⬠and donation| 3. Campaign Strategy 3. 1. Rebranding As brand is a valuable asset, it allows organization to communicate a clear set of v alues toward its stakeholders. Non-profit organization is a kind of concept-brand which is associated with an abstract concept, such as cancer awareness, environmentalism or cardiac disease (Daly and Moloney 2004, 30). The current logo of Care For Your Heart is too old-fashion and poorly deliver the meaning about cardiac care issues. To best meet the target group, suggestion is given for the organization to redesign its logo and name. Rebrandingà is the creation of a new name, term, symbol, design, or a combination of them for an established brand with the intention of developing a new position in the mind of stakeholders (Daly and Moloney 2004, 30). The change in the name and logo of the organization may enhance public awareness and reputation. Furthermore, the newly established brand elements can also better related to the current situation that the organization is facing (Muzellec and Lambkin 2008, 284). The new logo and name designed for the organization aims to better suit the target group, and will be illustrate in the following: 3. 1. 1 New logo: The new logo echoes with the name ââ¬Å"Care For Your Heartâ⬠, containing a hand showing a gesture of holding a heart. Hand represents human; gesture represents caring; heart represent cardiac and compassion. The new logo is simple, more eye-catching, and the meaning is more obvious at a glance than the old version, thus the target market can easily understand the role of Care For Your Heart. Furthermore, the logo shows the commitment of Care For Your Heart to embark on a new direction and coordinate with our proposed strategies. 3. 1. 2 New name: Care For Your Heart can rename its Chinese name from to. The new name provides formality, thus projecting a more professional image. Moreover, it can better represent the mission of Care For Your Heart, which is to gather cardiac patients for mutual help and enhance publicââ¬â¢s concern of cardiac disease. 3. 2. Seek For Partnership To achieve the goals proposed by the client, it is necessary for the organization to engage some partnership in order to support its daily operation and further activities. There are four potential companies for partnering with Care For Your Heart to enhance awareness, funding supply and voluntary work, including: Nestle, Hung Fong Tong, Watson and Hong Kong Health Check & Medical Diagnostic Group Limited. These potential partners have similar vision and mission within Care For Your Heart in terms of concerning the health of people. The cooperation between ââ¬Å"for profitâ⬠business and non-profit organization is called cause-related marketing (CRM), which both parties are involved to create mutual benefits. ââ¬Å"For profitâ⬠business implemented CRM to build brands, revitalize corporate, carrying out corporate social responsibilities, and make community involvement visible (Papasolomou, and Kitchen 2011, 63). Non-profit organization can be benefited due to the contributions from the ââ¬Å"for profitâ⬠business in order to meet its needs and objectives. CRM is proved to be an important marketing tool which demonstrates a firmââ¬â¢s commitment in addressing a social issue (Papasolomou, and Kitchen 2011, 63). The following are the strategies proposed to cooperate with the partners. 3. 3. 1. Nestle ââ¬â Carnation Omega High Calcium Milk Powder Reason for partnership with Nestle Nestle is a well-known nutrition, health and wellness company which founded in Switzerland in 1866. The companyââ¬â¢s mission is ââ¬Å"Good Food, Good Lifeâ⬠, which is to provide great tasting, nutritionally superior food and beverage, and great services to consumers around the world (Nestle 2011). Creating shared value is a fundamental part of Nestleââ¬â¢s way of doing business to create long-term value for shareholders and society, which is beyond compliance and sustainability (Creating Shared Value 2011). One of its products, the Carnation Omega High Calcium Milk Powder is chosen as a health product for the World Heart Day in 2010 and 2011. This low-fat milk power can strengthen the heart and reduces cardiac related diseases. The ingredients and functions of this mike powder are the followings (Milk Powder 2008). i. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acid: Regulate bodyââ¬â¢s cholesterol level and benefit to the cardiovascular system. ii. Low-fat: Reduce fat absorption which benefit to the heart. iii. High in calcium: Benefit to the bones and prevent osteoporosis. iv. Vitamin A, B and E: Assist in metabolism and health function. This milk powder was sold in different channels as well as supermarket and drugstore in Hong Kong, such as PARKnSHOP, Welcome and Watson. Each of them operates more than 200 stores and has different customer segments. It is believed that Care For Your Heart can gain benefits through enhanced awareness, and obtaining stable and long-term based donation. Proposed Strategy I. Cardiac information inside the lid, and logo on the package. Cardiac information as well as ââ¬Å"7 ways to protect your heartâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Make your heart healthierâ⬠, etc. is suggested to print on the internal side of the lid. Every time when consumer opens the lid, they can read the information provided by Care For Your Heart. A colorful background can be used in order to attract their attention and increase the visibility of such information. Moreover, the logo of the organization is also printed on the package of the milk powder to gain awareness (Refer to Appendix 1 and 2). The followings are the suggested cardiac information. 7 ways to protect your heart: * Maintain appropriate cholesterol level by having low-fat diet * Maintain appropriate weight and balanced diets. * Eat 2 fruits every day * At least 30 minutes aerobic exercise per day * No smoking and alcohol * Remain a cheerful mood * Regular Body check II. ââ¬Å"Turn in Your cansâ⬠Yoplait Yogurt, a France originated brand founded in 1964, had launched a campaign called ââ¬Å"Save Lids to Save Livesâ⬠for 10 years. The main concept of this campaign was to raise money for charity organization and activities, such as Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation,à Race for the Cure, etc. Every lid that the customer reserved, Yoplait will donate US$0. 1 after they registered the code number on the lid online (Save Lids to Save Lives 2011). A loyalty program called ââ¬Å"Turn in Your Cansâ⬠is proposed to achieve long-term relationship among three parties: the customer, Care For Your Heart, and Nestle. When customer finished one can of milk powder, they could turn in the can to a supermarket or drugstore, then Nestle could collect those cans for recycling. A stamp would be awarded per one returned can. When customer collected 3, 5 and 10 stamps, they can enjoy discount of 10%, 30% and 50% respectively for the next purchase. This campaign could increase customersââ¬â¢ loyalty towards this milk powder, and attract purchases from new customers. As a result, Nestle can gain an increase in sales, and Care For Your Heart can receive donations. III. 5% donation from the total sales of the milk powder To obtain long-term donation, Care For Your Heart could receive 5% of total sales from this milk powder. The milk powder is selling at the price around HKD$104. 6, which means Care For Your Heart can receive approximately HKD$5 from each can of milk powder sold. 3. 3. 2. Hung Fook Tong Reason for partnership with Hung Fook Tong Hung Fook Tong is the biggest herbal tea group in Hong Kong founded in 1980s. With more than 700 staff members, and over 100 stores among Hong Kong (Milestone 2011), it is persistent in using genuine ingredients with no added preservatives in the product. Producing and developing quality products are the philosophy of ââ¬Å"making naturallyâ⬠(Mission 2011). In 2011, Hung Fook Tong acquired the prime awards for corporate social responsibility 2011 from Prime magazine (Company news 2011), which shows that Hung Fook Tong continuously strive to fulfill corporate social responsibility. Hung Fook Tong has introduced a series of Chinese soup and individually packed soup into the market under its brand name. Those series of soup is nourishing, which helps to maintain good body condition and is good for health. As individually packed soup could reduce the time of making soup at home, it is typically popular among working class. Thus Hung Fook Tong is another suggested source to cooperate with for gaining long-term donation and enhancing public awareness. Proposed Strategy I. ââ¬Å"Care For Your Heartâ⬠soup series There are several soup recipes shared by some Chinese medical doctors on Care For Your Heart website. Those soups are beneficial to the heart and can prevent heart attack. Care For Your Heart could cooperate with Hung Fook Tong to introduce these series of soup or invest in new soups for the target market. Such as: * Mushroomà soup with bamboo fungus andà lotus root. * Black hen soup with lily and cloud ear fungus. * Black hen soup with chestnut. These series of soup can sold at a cheaper price HKD$40 for increasing sales volume, which others series are sold at HKD$48 and HKD$63. II. Logo on the package front and cardiac information at the package back The logo of Care For Your Heart is suggested to put on the front side of the individually packaged soup, and some cardiac information at the back. This increases the visibility of the organization, as well as disseminating cardiac information when customer turns the package to look at the ingredient list of the soup. During the selection process, consumers make decisions base on the soupââ¬â¢s functions, thus the ââ¬Å"Care For Your Heart seriesâ⬠can impress those that concern about heart health, and attract those customers that are previously not aware of the heart health series. The logo of Care For your Heart can also be placed on the menu to increase visibility (Refer to Appendix 3 and 4). III. 5 % donation from the total sales of ââ¬Å"Care For Your Heartâ⬠series Care For Your Heart could receive 5% total sales of individually packed soup in order to obtain long-term donation. Each individually packed soup is sold at the price around HKD$40, which means Care For Your Heart can received approximate HKD$2 from each sold of the soup. IV. Coupon Hung Fook Tong can also sponsor 500 packs of coupons, which contains 10 pieces within one pack with a total value of HKD$398, to Care For Your Heart for voluntary reward purpose. 3. 3. 3. Watson Reason for partnership with Watson Firstly, Watsons Water under A. S. Watson Group is currently a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hutchison Whampoa Limited, and is a world-renowned brand for supplying purest quality water. Moreover, the A. S. Watson Group has obtained a number of awards, such as ââ¬Å"Asiaââ¬â¢s Best Brand Award ââ¬â for excellence in Branding and Marketingâ⬠in 2010 and 2011, ââ¬Å"Caring Companyâ⬠by the Hong Kong Council of Social Services from 2002 to 2011, and ââ¬Å"Top Ten Brand names Awardâ⬠by Chinese Manufacturerââ¬â¢ Association of Hong Kong in 2003 (Our Achievements 2011). Furthermore, A. S. Watson Group is positive related to healthiness, as it owns the Watsons Athletic Club which is committed in sponsoring and supporting local athletic events. This healthy association links with Care For Your Heartââ¬â¢s mission to improve publicââ¬â¢s health issues. Secondly, the A. S. Watson Group is committed in performing corporate social responsibilities, and view CSR as opportunities. From A. S. Watson official website: ââ¬Å"We encourage our business unites to develop programmes with organizations that are relevant to local community needs, and we support our employeesââ¬â¢ effort in getting involved and contributing to society (Lai 2011). â⬠This provides a favorable circumstance for Care For Your Heart to persuade Watsonââ¬â¢s participation. Thirdly, Watsons Water has wide distribution channels, from street stores to big chained supermarkets. With the various availability of channels, it allows Care For Your Heart to increase exposure to the public and enhance the recognition of the company name. Proposed Strategy There are 3 main activities in this campaign: including Watsons bottled water label design competition, donation from the designed bottle, and cardiac slogan labels on Watsons Water carboy series and posters distributed to offices I. Watsons bottled water label design competition The first stage of this campaign starts with organizing a Watsons bottled water (both distilled and mineral water) label competition hosts by Watson and cooperates by Care For Your Heart. The theme of this competition is called ââ¬Å" â⬠ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Watsons Heart Caring Bottle Design Competitionâ⬠, which encourage a submission of bottle label design aiming at enhancing publicââ¬â¢s awareness towards cardiac disease. The competition will open for one to two months and targets youngsters age 15 to 25, whom are interested in drawing or design, and would seek for self-esteem through competition. The opening of this competition will be announced via newspapers (both paid and free), Watsons Waterââ¬â¢s official website, and Facebook page. For motivation, awards will be given to the top three winners. The tentative prizes include: Champion: HK$5000 with certificate First runner up: HK$3000 with certificate Second runner up: HK$1500 with certificate All participants will also obtain a certificate as encouragement. After collecting all designs, both Watson and Care For Your Heart will have representatives appraising the designs and select the winners. A press conference will be held for the announcement and award ceremony of the top three winners. And their work will be launched on the bottle, which will be further discussed below. II. Launch of the specially designed bottle for donation to Care For Your Heart After the end of competition, the second stage of the campaign is the launch of this specially designed Watsons Water. The top three winnersââ¬â¢ designs will be launched for 280ML to 800ML bottled water, both distilled and mineral. The distribution channels include all major types of supermarkets (Welcome, Parknââ¬â¢ Shop, Cityââ¬â¢super etc. ), convenient stores (7-11, Circle K etc. ). The preparation for the label design will be around one month, and the tentative distribution period is set to be 2 to 4 months. Care For Your Heart can negotiate the percentage of total sales for donation with Watson. The recommended percentage is 5 to 15%. Furthermore, the label will contain information about the donation. For example: ââ¬Å"Every bottle of water you purchase, Watson will donate $1 for Care For Your Heart on cardiac disease funding. â⬠III. Cardiac info/ slogan on the Watsonââ¬â¢s water carboy series in offices and posters distribution The third stage of the campaign is the launch of promotional label on Watsons Water carboy together with the distribution of posters to offices. The objectives of this event are to create opportunity for Care For Your Heart to reach the business sectors and to increase their awareness towards cardiac disease and provide some tips on prevention. This campaign will last for one to one and a half year. i. Poster Posters will be distributed together with the water bottles, and encourages offices to post it in the pantry or places near the water dispenser. The poster will contain some brief tips on preventing the formation of cardiac disease due to stress and imbalanced lifestyle. The information on the poster is the same as the information on the lids of the Nestle milk powder (Refer to Appendix 5). ii. Label A label is designed for 4. 5L, 12L and 18L bottles which fit most types of water dispenser, containing Care For Your Heartââ¬â¢s logo, slogans about heart protection. Appendix 6 shows an example of the label design. IV. 5% donation from the sales of designed Watsons Water bottle Watsons bottle water sold at the price HKD$6. 5, which Care For Your Heart can receive an approximate donation of HKD$0. 3 per bottle of the water sold. 3. 3. 4. Hong Kong Health Check ; Medical Diagnostic Group Limited (HKHC) Reason for partnership with HKHC Hong Kong Health Check ; Medical Diagnostic Group Limited (HKHC) is a company providing a variety of body check service to the community and has developed 15 health checking center in Hong Kong. The mission of the company is to provideà excellentà andà high standards ofà imaging andà diagnostic services in order to improveà communityà health under the concept ofà preventive medicine. (About Us, 2011) It is chosen to work with Care For Your Heart as the two organizations are sharing similar missions of improving community health and health care awareness. Proposed Strategy I. Cardiac Health Care Bus The main functions of the Cardiac Health Care Bus are to provide free basic heart disease related health checks, for example, blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol; and educate public about heart disease preventions. If patients are diagnosed to have a possibility of getting cardiac disease, they will be refered to HKHC for a comprehensive health check. A medical professional and two volunteers from Care For Your Heart will be on duty in the bus. There will be 6 buses available, 3 for New Territories, 2 for Kowloon and 1 for Hong Kong Island. The buses will serve everyday in two spots with two time periods, from 11a. m. to 3p. m, and 4p. m. to 8p. m. , which can serve around 50 to 70 people every day. This idea is feasible as it has been successfully adopted by other organizations, such as the Pok Oi Hospital. II. Health Care Charity Fund (HCCF) HCCF is a working partner of HKHC, who aims to implant the concept of ââ¬Å"Healthâ⬠¦ we care you careâ⬠to the community through educational and medical healthcare service (Vision and Mission. 2011). Its missions are to help the needy of the community by offering free health check services and organizing professional health talks; to increase the healthcare awareness of the community by promoting the concept of preventive healthcare through comprehensive periodic health check at the highest standard; and to serve the community through supporting volunteering services which organized by non-profit making organizations or collaborated with local communities (Vision and Mission. 2011). The nature of this organization fits with Care For Your Heartââ¬â¢s vision as both organizations achieve their missions by organizing talks, fund raising and voluntary work. Two programs are designed for corporation of CFYH and HCCF. i. Professional Health Talks Health talks will operate once each year at each community center in 18 districts by Care For Your Heart. The talks emphasize on heart care related topics, such as prevention, types of heart disease etc. Professional speakers are the volunteers from HKHC and talks are sponsored by HCCF. Each talk is opened for 100 to 200 audiences (depends on the population of the district) and is free of charge. The target of this campaign is to reach citizens in 18 districts within one year and four months for 6 districts. For the first four months, talks will operate in North, Tai Po, Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun and Yeun Long; the next four months will operate in Kwai Tsing, Kowloon City Kwun Tong, Sham Shui Po, Wong Tai Sin and Yau Tsim Mong; and the last four months will operate in Island, Sai Kung, Central and Western, Eastern, Southern and Wan Chai. ii. Charity Health Check Day The date of Charity Health Check Day is set on the World Heart Day in every year. 5 to 10% of body checks income from HKHC will donate to Care For Your Heart through HCCF. HCCF used this format previously with HKHC and the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association (SCHSA) on motherââ¬â¢s and fatherââ¬â¢s day in 2011. Part of the body check income on that day was donated to HCCF, and the donations are used to provide personal emergency link for the elderly people (Tuesday Charity Health Check Day, 2011. ). 3. 3. Potential benefits receive by Care For Your Heart By the partnership with the above sponsors, Care For Your Heart can be benefited in various ways. I. Enhance awareness Firstly, as concerned by Care For Your Heart, it is currently facing low recognition by the public. To reverse this situation, its visibility, awareness and credibility can be increased by having Care For Your Heartââ¬â¢s name and logo appearing on sponsorââ¬â¢s events, and product packaging, which the product is well-recognized, easily found and consumed. Care For Your Heart can also leverage Nestle, Hung Fook Tong, Watson and HKHCââ¬â¢s goodwill on being healthy. Moreover, those sponsors enhance Care For Your Heartââ¬â¢s publicity by placing the organization name as the beneficiary organization at the end of the TV commercial. II. Reach the target segments Those proposed strategies allow Care For Your Hear to reach its desired target segments ââ¬â the youngsters and businesses. Different channels were used for the distribution of the product by Nestle and Hung Fook Tong, such as supermarket, drugstore and MTR shop as well, which helps in increase exposure and visibility of its name and logo to different segment. Moreover, the Watson bottle water competition provides an opportunity for youngsters to demonstrate their stills in art, and act as a channel to educate them about cardiac diseases through participation. On the other hand, labels on carboy bottles and posters in office pantry can be an attention getting tool. By placing these at prominent spot, it can firstly get their attention. When they are continuously exposed to the information, they will be able to remember and recall the message. Furthermore, if the Cardiac Health Care Bus is successfully introduced, the mobility of those buses can further help Care For Your Heart in reaching more people in Hong Kong. III. Donation Donations can be gained through the sales of each product and the money can be used for funding daily operations or future activities. Furthermore, if the sponsors are willing to renew the contracts with Care For Your Heart, it will be able to obtain donations in a long-term basis. 3. 4. Potential benefits receive by sponsors I. Perform Corporate Social Responsibility The main benefit that Nestle, Hung Fook Tong, Watson and HKHC could gain is to accomplish its role in performing corporate social responsibility. Each company is committed to invest on creating shared value for society, as well as social welfare, environmental protection and other aspects regarding to the global compact. Companies could achieve its goals when cooperating with Care For Your Heart. II. Improved brand image Furthermore, the ultimate objective of performing CSR is to improve consumersââ¬â¢ perception towards the brand, which is being a contributor to the society thus enhancing goodwill. III. Boost Sales Each sponsor can boost its sales or expands market share due to its contribution to the society. Customers are more likely to choose a product when they realize that they can engaging in the contribution process (Stanalan, Lwin, and Murphy 2011, 51). IV. Benefits distributed by Care For Your Heart Care For Your Heart will provide the following benefits to all sponsors: * Have a one page free advertisement in the organisation magazine and annual report. Brief profile of the sponsors and the detail of ongoing campaigns on Care For You Heart website * Acknowledge the name and logo at the bottom of Care For Your Heart official website with hyperlinks to sponsorsââ¬â¢ homepages * Acknowledge the name and logo on all promotion materials including newsletters, organisation magazines, broch ure covers or free gift bags etc. * Acknowledge the name and logo of sponsors on volunteersââ¬â¢ shirts * Provide at least one banner during any events * Announcement of sponsorships in all events or public speech * Guaranteed to be the only sponsor in the same category of industry * Allow to display companyââ¬â¢s materials or products on the table for any events 3. 5. Volunteersââ¬â¢ recruitment The recruitment of volunteers for Care For Your Heart targets three groups: students from IVE, trainees of medical colleges, retired doctors, and the Hong Kong Health Check ; Medical Diagnostic Group. The details of the recruitment program are the followings. IVE On recruiting volunteers for Care For Your Heart, firstly, a non-academic volunteer program can be opened for the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education students majoring in Applied Nutritional Science, Pharmaceutical, Medical and Health Care, or Social services. Students are encouraged to apply the campaign throughout their study. This volunteer campaign requires students to participate in volunteer work for Care For Your Heart once in two weeks for four to six hours. The working time will be recorded and accumulated until they graduate or withdraw from the program. A quota on working time is set for students as a goal, for example, participating volunteer work for 72 hours in half a year. Students who have achieved the goal of this program will be rewarded with a non-academic award by Care For Your Heart, which is beneficial to their future career. Medical collegesââ¬â¢ trainees Secondly, trainees in medical colleges of the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong are a considerable group for voluntary works. They obtain the required health care knowledge and elementary first aid skills. Moreover, this voluntary program can be included as part of the intern training. Similar with the program for IVE, a certificate will be given to participants as a reward, which helps their future career. Moreover, participants can enrich their practical experience before they enter the society. Medical professional Thirdly, doctors are another great source to attract as volunteers. They obtain the expertise in the cardiac field thus able to provide professional consultation for patients. Care For Your Heart can target this group by inviting those doctors that are seeking self-actualization, and appeal to them through mental motivation. For example, suggesting them to offer one or two days of voluntary consultation. By acquiring a sufficient number of voluntary doctors, members of Care For Your Heart can be benefited as it has more human resources to organize thorough functions and events for its members and the public, thus achieving the goals of increasing public awareness towards cardiac disease. Moreover, doctors can enhance their reputation and image by showing their sincerity in contributing to the society. Hong Kong Health Check ; Medical Diagnostic Group Lastly, referring to the event of the Cardiac Health Care Bus campaign, doctors from the Hong Kong Health Check ; Medical Diagnostic Group will volunteer for conducting simple tests and explain the health report to patients. Moreover, regarding this event, additional helpers are needed for showing information and assisting the doctor. These helpers can be chosen from IVE and medical college volunteers mentioned above. 3. 6. 5. Motivations to volunteers Besides, by analyzing their profile, Care For Your Heart can obtain data on the number of medical professionals and young volunteers the organization has attracted . ii. Amount of Donation Two sources of donations are needed to be evaluated: the public and partnership programs. By measuring the amount of donation from public and sponsoring partners, it can reflect Care For Your Heartââ¬â¢s reputation and credibility in publicââ¬â¢s mindset. It can also show the benefits gain by both parties when the campaigns are launched (increased sales, product awareness and reputation). iii. Awareness Public opinion research will be conducted 3 times after 4, 12 and 24 months. The survey aims to collect data including: awareness and image of the organization; frequency and amount of donation; and awareness of activities and partnership program. The result will demonstrate whether the new strategies and rebranding are successful in enhancing the public awareness, especially within the working class. Regulate evaluation acts as a monitory function and can state the weaknesses of each program. Therefore, the organization can reinforce certain areas in order to achieve the ultimate goals. 6. Conclusion To conclude, Care For Your Heart could reach its target groups and deliver cardiac related information to the public by adopting the strategies mentioned above. Rebranding and those cooperative strategies can meet its goals effectively and efficiently. By performing cause-related marketing, all participating parties will receive benefits from the campaigns, as well as enhancing public awareness and improving brand image. The sales volume of the newly introduced products and the current product will also be increased, due to the change of customersââ¬â¢ perception towards the brand. The corporate partners will provide funding supply from the donations gained from product sales, and hence increase the cash flow of Care For Your Heart. Moreover, the reputation of Care For Your Heart will also be enhanced by the well-known partners. http://www. pokoi. org. hk/tc/services_cmedical. aspx http://www. hungfooktong. com/news/n017/index. html http://www.nestle.com/ http://www.aswatson.com/our-customers/ http://www.hungfooktong.com/tc/ http://www.yoplait.com http://www.hkhealthcheck.com/corp/tc/ http://www.hungfooktong.com/overseas_about.php http://www.aswatson.com/innovation/ http://www.hccf.org.hk/en/about_us.htm ;
Friday, January 3, 2020
Playing Violent Video Games On Children - 965 Words
Playing Violent Video Games When kids get bored they turn to their PlayStation four, Nintendo DS, or Xbox and play their favorite games. According to the journal of the American Medical Association, ââ¬Å"Several peer-reviewed studies have shown that children who play M-rated games are more likely to bully and cyberbully their peers, get into physical fights, be hostile, and show aggression towards their peers.â⬠(Carter 32) Video games are known as ââ¬Ëtime-wastersââ¬â¢ to parents, and worse, these games can corrupt the brain. Furthermore, when playing violent video games kids can attach the game into their personal life. Some games can teach kids wrong values. Playing violent video games can cause aggression, bullying, and depression in kids. Aggression is caused by playing violent video games. When aggression is built up in a kid is caused by the difficulty of the game. When the difficulty of the game is increased so are the levels. Then, as the levels increase, becoming angry, means that the game has the player. Always about wanting more than what they already have. Next, when the kid canââ¬â¢t reach the goal causing them to lose will make the children try again and again causing their adrenaline to speed up due to the hyperactive role causing aggressive behavior to the player. In addition, aggressive behavior can be caused by winning too. This can affect kids who have an addiction to playing violent video games, because when kids win they seem to try to show off to their opponent player.Show MoreRelatedHow to Combat the Effects of Violent Video Games Playing on Children1185 Words à |à 5 PagesHow to Combat the Effects of Violent Video Game Playing on Children ââ¬Å"Stay alive at all costs! Kill the bad guys! Head shot!â⬠These are just some examples of the dialogue spoken amongst children who play violent video games such as Call of Duty and Halo. 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